C. Meredith Luckett
6 min readNov 2, 2020


View leaving Seattle from the Bainbridge Island Ferry

As many of you reading this can probably attest, it is hard to keep up with time during the COVID-19 pandemic, and my idea of writing this piece in early September, somehow only came to fruition two months later. I hope the message still resonates, as we get ready to enter what some experts call the winter lockdown phase of the virus, where concerns surround the spike of COVID-19 cases in some states, mixed with the arrival of the flu season. I initially started writing this from 39,000 feet above the clouds after spending a week away from my home in Atlanta, Georgia on my annual birthday vacation in late August in Washington State. In July I wasn’t sure the trip was going to happen. Cases of COVID-19 were rising in Georgia and across the country, matching masks to our outfits had become the dreaded reality of our lives, and to make matters worse, I started to know more and more people who’d been diagnosed with COVID-19, and in some cases, some had even passed away from the virus.

I initially planned to visit the New England area, but with so many restrictions for travelers, I had to pivot locations and ended up selecting Washington for its mandatory mask mandate, and selected Bainbridge Island, in Kitsap County as home base since it was a smaller town that I felt had more control on its cases.

I thought long and hard about the trip, whether I should still take it, would I get sick, how I would protect myself, and the list goes on and on…



C. Meredith Luckett

Award-winning journalist turned nonprofit marketing executive with a penchant for travel, movies, the NBA, power walking and Hallmark Christmas movies.